
An Honest Conversation About Sexuality

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An Honest Conversation About Sexuality is a video-based youth ministry resource intended for teens and young adults to discuss questions regarding LBGTQ in a safe setting without being afraid to ask.

Apologetics: Defending the Faith

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Defending the Faith is a six-lesson apologetics Bible study to help our people think through clearly how to engage in conversation with skeptics of the Christian faith.

Youth Resource – Never Too Young to Talk About Jesus

It can be intimidating for a teenager to talk about Jesus with those who don’t yet know him. How can we help teens see sharing their faith as their responsibility and privilege?

Who Am I? – A Youth Ministry Video Resource

What’s going on with teens today?...

Youth Bible Study – Who Am I?

“Who Am I?” is a three-part youth ministry resource that takes an in-depth look at real-life problems that overwhelm teens.

Equip Women to Teach the Word

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“Equip Women to Teach the Word” is a training tool for congregations that want to encourage and prepare women to serve as faithful teachers of God’s Word in different ministry settings.

Is this the Power Glove?

When Nintendo came out with the Power Glove, I was eight years old. Never had I seen anything so glorious in my short life. When it premiered in the movie The Wizard starring Fred Savage, I could not think of anything greater, more fun,…

A God-Lived Life

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A God Lived Life is about more than stewardship. It's a whole-life challenge to God’s people to live the life to which he has called them.

You Are God’s Mask

“I just feel like I have no purpose in my life. I’m not accomplishing anything, and I feel guilty.” Those words were spoken by a wife and mother of three as we sat together in my office. So I asked her, “Take me through a typical…

Congregational Challenge

“I triple dog dare ya.” Doubtless, you’re familiar with the scene from the classic movie “A Christmas Story.” Ralphie explained: “Now, Schwartz created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going…

“Whole” Life Stewardship

Giving God Glory and Going All In Everything we have is a gift from God. If you think through the gifts God gives, the most important ones fit nicely into five categories. They can be called the 5 “T”s. God gives us everything we have,…

Marriage Maintenance

“Marriage Maintenance” are online Bible studies to help couples as they deal with common issues that cause marital wear and tear.

Catechism Class – Sample Models

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Confirmation is not a biblically-mandated practice, but an ecclesiastical rite that has developed over time. This explains the variety that exists in both the understanding and practice of confirmation.

Youth Ministry Made Simple

Learn more about Youth Ministry Made Simple in the introduction video.

Youth Bible Study – Focused Living in Christ

Learn more about Focused Living in Christ in the introduction video.

Welcoming the Struggling

You don’t know…Everyone has a story. You don’t know me until you know my story, and even then, you might not see my heart as Jesus sees it.

Coming from Congregational Services in 2019

In 2018, Congregational Services coordinated the synod-wide C18 program, which had the ambitious goal of reaching one-million souls prior to or on Christmas Eve 2018. It was an outreach focus. In 2019, Congregational Services will roll out two…

Ministering to Millennials

This module helps congregations better understand the unique way millennials think about church/religion and evaluate how they are doing in retaining members and reach potential members in that generation.

Addressing Delinquency

This module lays out an orderly system of following up on members who have been absent from worship for a certain period of time.


Confirmation – Pastor-Family Partnership Model

In the pastor-family partnership model used in Modesto, California, the student and parent work together at home on a lesson using the material and video provided by the pastor. All meet with pastor after every four lessons for review.

Confirmation – Parent-Taught Model

The parent-taught model from Middleton, Wisconsin uses parent-taught, individually-paced lessons. The goal is the parent interacting with their child over God's Word and prayers. An introductory video made by St. Andrew parents explains the…

Confirmation – Flipped-Classroom Model

The flipped-classroom model used in Hartford, Wisconsin, flips—or reverses—the traditional roles of in-class work and homework. The student studies the basic concepts of the lesson at home, then comes to class to participate in class activities…

Confirmation – Family-Centered Model

The family-centered model from Pooler, Georgia uses the new Catechism and a Connections workbook (the church supplies the workbook, the family buys the Catechism). Procedure overview: Orientation: A meeting at the beginning of the year…

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 12

Making work with missing members a priority and celebrating the efforts of those who do the work.

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 11

How to prepare for the return of missing members.

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 10

Be patient when things move slowly and make repeated efforts.

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 9

What to do while waiting for your visitation to be fruitful. What to do when there isn't fruit.

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 8

How to respond to excuses from missing members.

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 7

Encouragement to visit the missing members along with practical advice.

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 5

What is the goal when working with missing members? What shouldn't be? What tools are useful?

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 3

Best practices for tracking worship attendance.

Welcome Home Elder Training – Chapter 1

Defines the term "missing members" and gives an outline of the training videos.

D009 – Ministering to Millennials

This module helps congregations better understand the unique way millennials think about church/religion and evaluate how they are doing in retaining members and reach potential members in that generation.

D001 – Addressing Delinquency

This module lays out an orderly system of following up on members who have been absent from worship for a certain period of time. It explains how ministering to such people transitions from encourgement to church discipline.

D007 – Lutheran Small Groups

D007 – Lutheran Small Groups This module lays out various ways to approach using small groups: for Bible study, for service, for fellowship. It explains how to avoid the pitfall of Pietism that once were characteristic of small groups.…