An Honest Conversation
Discipleship Modules, Ministry Resources, Modules, Other, Youth Ministry ModulesAn Honest Conversation is a video-based youth ministry resource intended for teens and young adults to discuss questions regarding LBGTQ topics in a safe setting without being afraid to ask.

Apologetics: Defending the Faith
Bible Studies, Discipleship Modules, Ministry Resources, Modules, Youth Ministry ModulesDefending the Faith is a six-lesson apologetics Bible study to help our people think through clearly how to engage in conversation with skeptics of the Christian faith.

Youth Resource – Never Too Young to Talk About Jesus
Modules, Youth Ministry ModulesIt can be intimidating for a teenager to talk about Jesus with those who don’t yet know him. How can we help teens see sharing their faith as their responsibility and privilege?

Youth Bible Study – Who Am I?
Modules, Youth Ministry Modules“Who Am I?” is a three-part youth ministry resource that takes an in-depth look at real-life problems that overwhelm teens.

WELS Youth Night
Youth Ministry Modules“Youth Night” provides a series of youth-focused events for high school youth from local WELS congregations.

Catechism Class – Sample Models
Discipleship Modules, Modules, Youth Ministry ModulesConfirmation is not a biblically-mandated practice, but an ecclesiastical rite that has developed over time. This explains the variety that exists in both the understanding and practice of confirmation.

Youth Ministry Made Simple
Modules, Youth Ministry ModulesLearn more about Youth Ministry Made Simple in the introduction video.

Youth Bible Study – Focused Living in Christ
Modules, Youth Ministry ModulesLearn more about Focused Living in Christ in the introduction video.