
An Honest Conversation About Sexuality

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An Honest Conversation About Sexuality is a video-based youth ministry resource intended for teens and young adults to discuss questions regarding LBGTQ in a safe setting without being afraid to ask.

Apologetics: Defending the Faith

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Defending the Faith is a six-lesson apologetics Bible study to help our people think through clearly how to engage in conversation with skeptics of the Christian faith.

Youth Resource – Never Too Young to Talk About Jesus

It can be intimidating for a teenager to talk about Jesus with those who don’t yet know him. How can we help teens see sharing their faith as their responsibility and privilege?

Who Am I? – A Youth Ministry Video Resource

What’s going on with teens today?...

Youth Bible Study – Who Am I?

“Who Am I?” is a three-part youth ministry resource that takes an in-depth look at real-life problems that overwhelm teens.

Called To Serve – Bible Study

The COP is now making available a Bible study that deals with the public ministry, the call, and our WELS call process.

God’s People Gather

How can we encourage our members to return to in-person worship? How should we think about virtual worship post-pandemic? The God’s People Gather program attempts to help congregations answer those questions.

One by One

One by One is a Bible study based on Pastor David Rosenau’s keynote presentation at the WELS National Conference on Lutheran Leadership in January of 2020.

Youth Bible Study – Focused Living in Christ

Learn more about Focused Living in Christ in the introduction video.

Devoted – Bible Study on Scouting and Fellowship

Our synod has consistently voiced its objections to Scouting for several reasons...

To the Ends of the Earth

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This module explains the importance of regularly offering instruction about evangelism. It suggests rotating classes: the examples of outreach in Acts, the way to approach friendship witnessing, lifestyle witnesses, evangelism in the workplace, etc.


Focused Living in Christ – Videos

The Bible study videos are available for download at the link below.

Devoted – Bible Study on Scouting and Fellowship

Devoted – Bible Study on Scouting and Fellowship