Hymnal Introduction Resources

Several resources are available to help introduce the new hymnal.

Prison Ministry Awareness

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This module provides promotional resources to help congregations be aware of the mission potential of WELS Prison Ministry and to cultivate concern for the lost.

A God-Lived Life

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A God Lived Life is about more than stewardship. It's a whole-life challenge to God’s people to live the life to which he has called them.

God’s People Gather

How can we encourage our members to return to in-person worship? How should we think about virtual worship post-pandemic? The God’s People Gather program attempts to help congregations answer those questions.

Let’s Go

Let’s Go is designed to encourage and equip Christians to connect unchurched people in their lives to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

One by One

One by One is a Bible study based on Pastor David Rosenau’s keynote presentation at the WELS National Conference on Lutheran Leadership in January of 2020.

Everyone Outreach

Everyone Outreach is a program designed to help your congregation discover its thought habits and develop new thinking and behaviors that build a culture of outreach.

Marriage Maintenance

“Marriage Maintenance” are online Bible studies to help couples as they deal with common issues that cause marital wear and tear.