One by One

One by One is a Bible study based on Pastor David Rosenau’s keynote presentation at the WELS National Conference on Lutheran Leadership in January of 2020.

Everyone Outreach

Everyone Outreach is a program designed to help your congregation discover its thought habits and develop new thinking and behaviors that build a culture of outreach.

Marriage Maintenance

“Marriage Maintenance” are online Bible studies to help couples as they deal with common issues that cause marital wear and tear.

COVID-19 – For Such a Time as This

See the new update regarding returning to worship during the pandemic.

Welcome Home

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The Welcome Home initiative is an attempt to address the challenge of members drifting away from church.

10 for 10 Stewardship Program

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10 for 10 is a comprehensive stewardship program including a three-Sunday emphasis that teaches and preaches Biblical principles followed by a ten-week commitment that puts giving into action.

Evangelism – Outreach Newsletters

This product is designed to help your congregation reach out to people with God's Word...

Devoted – Bible Study on Scouting and Fellowship

Our synod has consistently voiced its objections to Scouting for several reasons...

Bible Study on Compassion Ministry and Outreach

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This module lays the foundation of Christian love in congregational ministry: both compassion for the burdens of members and caring for those in the community whose needs can be a bridge for love and the gospel.

To the Ends of the Earth

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This module explains the importance of regularly offering instruction about evangelism. It suggests rotating classes: the examples of outreach in Acts, the way to approach friendship witnessing, lifestyle witnesses, evangelism in the workplace, etc.