Ways to utilize To the Ends of the Earth

The fourth and final evangelism movie from WELS, titled To the Ends of the Earth, is complete. The video tells the story of the apostle Paul’s work in Philippi. There are literally dozens of ways to use it. We thought it might be good to summarize.

Immediate Uses

To the Ends of the Earth can be used to encourage members to invite their unchurched friends and neighbors to your Christmas Eve service. You will find a two-session Bible study HERE. In that study, members fill out a “My Personal Mission Field” document, listing twenty individuals/families that they might encourage to come to church that Christmas Eve. In a 50-minute session, the participants spend about 16 minutes watching a portion of the video, and then the rest of the time talking about the mission Christ has given to his church. This helps your church take part in WELS C18 effort which has the goal of reaching one-million people with the gospel prior to and on Christmas Eve.

To the Ends of the Earth can be used in connection with WELS Mission and Ministry Sunday. The suggested date is October 21st. The encouragement is that WELS congregations use that day to discuss and commit to the mission God has set before our synod. You can find worship resources for that Sunday HERE. The video could be incorporated into the Bible study time, shown after worship, etc.

To the Ends of the Earth can be utilized as part of an Advent by Candlelight celebration. Advent by Candlelight programs provide an opportunity for women of all ages to set aside the business of holiday preparation and focus their minds and hearts on the birth of Christ. It also presents an opportunity for these women to reach out to unchurched ladies they know, inviting them to come to Advent by Candlelight as well. These guests would then be invited back to Christmas Eve worship. You can find Advent by Candlelight resources HERE.

Long-term / Anytime Uses

To the Ends of the Earth is all about the mission of the Church. Thus, it can be used to help congregations refocus on that mission. This might be an especially useful study if a congregation were working at producing or editing a congregational mission statement or core values statement. You can find a six lesson Bible study HERE.

Because To the Ends of the Earth is video based, it makes it very easy to use in a home-based small group study. You can find a four lesson small group study HERE.

To the Ends of the Earth could be used with children in a Lutheran school, helping them to understand the mission of the Church. Resources for children–studies, devotions, coloring pages–can be found HERE.

May this video do more than educate you. May it inspire you to boldly witness for Christ as you do your part to carry his gospel to the ends of the earth.