To the Ends of the Earth–Children and Teen Lessons & Devotions


Resources for WELS Schools, Early Childhood Ministries, Sunday Schools, Home

Dear Christian Friends,

“To the Ends of the Earth!” What an overwhelming and exciting goal! Following is a summary of some of the resources that have been developed to supplement the new movie, “To the Ends of the Earth.” The materials were written by WELS teachers and members for a variety of ages from preschool through teens. Also included is a set of devotions for teachers. The materials were created for use in the classroom, Sunday School, or by parents in the home with their children. May the Lord bless and guide each of you as you share this message of God’s grace that we seek to share with the world, including those near us.

May the Lord bless you and those with whom you share these materials!

“To the Ends of the Earth” Bible Lesson for Early Childhood

This lesson shares the account of the conversion of Paul and his work in spreading the gospel in many places. It includes the story of Lydia and an encouragement for each of us, even little children, to be witnesses for God. Also provided is a cover page with activities, the story page that includes a song, prayer, and section for parents. There is also a coloring page that highlights Paul’s conversion, his witnessing to many, and Lydia’s baptism. This lesson is prepared with children in preschool through kindergarten in mind.

“To the Ends of the Earth” Bible Lesson for grades 1–4.

The story of Paul is a dramatic one filled with a variety of people with whom he shared the gospel. This Bible lesson is written for students in grades 1–4. It highlights Paul’s journey to Macedonia, meeting a little girl who was demon possessed, and his imprisonment. Each part of the story illustrates God’s hand in the work of Paul, Silas, Timothy, and Luke. The materials include telling the story, retelling the story, and application. There are several extension activities such as writing, illustrating, songs, poems, and scenarios to practice telling others about Jesus.

“To the Ends of the Earth” Bible Study for Middle school/Teens

Middle school and high school students will dig into Scripture to learn more about Paul, an enemy of the gospel turned disciple. Using the Power Point slides, student pages, and leader’s guide, they will delve into the power of the gospel and apply it to their own lives. Students will be led to discuss and reflect on their opportunities to share God’s Word, trusting in the power of the gospel.

“To the Ends of the Earth” Devotions for Children

A set of five devotions are written for school age children. The author uses everyday objects and activities to engage students and connect them with the Word. Through the theme of power, students will consider the power of the gospel to save, to clothe us in Jesus’ jersey, to tell others, to combat fear, and to live our faith. Each devotion includes several questions to help students dig a little deeper and apply it to their own lives.

“To the Ends of the Earth” Devotions for Teachers and Staff

“To the Ends of the Earth” focuses on four individuals: Saul/Paul, Lydia, the demon possessed slave girl, and the jailer. This series of devotions looks at each individual and reflects on their story and the power of God’s grace and love for each of them. While each devotion makes application to us as teachers, the final devotion zeros in on each of us and our role in “taking the gospel to the ends of the earth” in your calling. Each devotion also includes several questions for deeper reflection and application.

To the Ends of the Earth - Children's Staff DevotionsDownload
To the Ends of the Earth - Children's Elementary DevotionsDownload
To the Ends of the Earth - Children's Early Childhood Teacher ConnectionDownload
To the Ends of the Earth - Children's Early Childhood LessonDownload
To the Ends of the Earth - Children's Early Childhood Lesson Coloring PageDownload
To the Ends of the Earth - Children's Bible Lesson Grades 1–4Download
To the Ends of the Earth - Bible Study - Teens - PowerPoint SlidesDownload
To the Ends of the Earth - Teen Bible Study - LeaderDownload
To the Ends of the Earth - Teen Bible StudyDownload
To the Ends of the Earth–Children and Teen Lessons & Devotions
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  • File Count 9
  • Create Date May 29, 2018
  • Last Updated August 26, 2020