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Year A – Proper 21 – Tell Us A Story – A Story of Spiritual Insincerity – Matthew 21

Matthew 21:23-32 - Through a story Jesus teaches that sincere love for God involves not just saying what God wants to hear but doing what God wants done. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year A – Proper 20 – Tell Us A Story – A Story of Perplexing Generosity – Matthew 20

Matthew 20:1-16 - Jesus tells us a story of God’s perplexing generosity. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message…
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Year A – Proper 19 – The Church God Wants – A Church That’s Quick to Forgive – Genesis 50

Genesis 50:15-21 - Joseph’s brothers had treated him badly. Joseph was quick to forgive them and free them from the prison of their past. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year A – Proper 18 – The Church God Wants – A Church Willing to Say Hard Things – Galatians 2

Galatians 2:11-16 - Paul is put in the uncomfortable position of having to confront Cephas (also known as Peter). In doing so, Paul wins Peter over to the truth of the gospel. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS…
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Year A – Proper 17 – The Church God Wants – A Church That Takes Up Its Crosses – Matthew 16

Matthew 16:21-26 - Jesus calls his Church to walk in his path: first comes the cross, then comes the crown. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to…
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Year A – Proper 16 – The Church God Wants – A Church That Really Knows Jesus – Exodus 34

Exodus 34:5-9 - God proclaimed to Moses what he was like. Likewise, the Church’s job is to proclaim to the world who Christ is and what he is like. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year A – Proper 15 – The Church God Wants – A Church for All People – Matthew 15

Matthew 15:21-28 - In the face of Jesus’ test a Canaanite woman demonstrates great faith, proving that God’s Church is meant for all people. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The…
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Year A – Proper 14 – Define Christian – The Christian Answers Doubt With Faith – Romans 8

Romans 8:28-39 - Paul teaches that in all things, good times and bad, we can trust that God is carrying out his perfect plan for his glory and our salvation. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year A – Proper 13 – Define Christian – The Christian Trusts God to Provide – 1 Kings 17

1 Kings 17:1-6 - Elijah told a wicked king God would send years of drought and famine. In those dark times, the Lord provided food for his faithful prophet. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year A – Proper 12 – Define Christian – The Christian Seeks Spiritual Wealth – Matthew 13

Matthew 13:44-52 - Through a series of parables Jesus teaches the value of spiritual wealth. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year A – Proper 11 – Define Christian – The Christian Lives as Wheat Among Weeds – Matthew 13

Matthew 13:24-30,36-43 - The Lord has a plan to separate wheat and weeds. Christians will be perfectly separated from every evil at the final harvest. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year A – Proper 10 – Define Christian – The Christian is Planted by the Word – Isaiah 55

Isaiah 55:6-11 - God’s Word always works—a seed that produces the fruit that God earnestly desires. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help…
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Year A – Proper 9 – Define Christian – The Christian Finds Rest in Jesus – Matthew 11

Matthew 11:25-30 - Jesus invites those who are weary and burdened to come to him for rest. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year A – Proper 8 – Define Christian – The Christian Loves God above All – Matthew 10

Matthew 10:34-42 - Jesus calls us to love him above all—more than family or friends, more than personal safety or even life itself. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year A – Proper 7 – The Holy Ministry – The Holy Ministry Preaches Christ Despite Persecution – 2 Timothy 4

2 Timothy 4:1-8 - Paul taught that many people in this world cannot bear sound doctrine. Instead, they persecute it. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year A – Proper 6 – The Holy Ministry – The Holy Ministry Demonstrates Compassion for God’s People – Matthew 9

Matthew 9:35-10:8 - Jesus had compassion on the people, and he appointed the twelve to demonstrate compassion through their holy ministry. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year A – Proper 5 – The Holy Ministry – The Holy Ministry is Filled With Sinners Called by God – Exodus 3

Exodus 3:1-15 - Moses asked a good question: “Who am I to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.” Answer: the one the LORD himself had chosen for that holy ministry. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year A – Holy Trinity Sunday – God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity – 2 Corinthians 13

2 Corinthians 13:11-14 - By sharing his grace, love, and fellowship, the Trinity gives us unity and peace. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to…
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Year A – Day of Pentecost – He Lives – He Lives to Pour Out His Spirit – 1 Corinthians 12

1 Corinthians 12:3-11 - When God pours out his Spirit it is not only for the benefit of the individual believer. God gives his Spirit to us so that we might be of benefit to the entire Church. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided…
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Year A – Easter 7 – He Lives – He Lives to Give Me Eager Expectation of Glory – John 17

John 17:1-11a - Just hours before he would be tortured and killed, Jesus says those events would lead to glory, both his and ours. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year A – Easter 6 – He Lives – He Lives and Calls Me to Live for Him – Acts 17

Acts 17:22-31 - To the people of Athens St. Paul proclaims that living as the offspring of the one true God means living a life of repentance and obedience. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year A – Easter 5 – He Lives – He Lives to be the Only Way to Heaven – John 14

John 14:1-11 - Jesus teaches that the only way to draw near to God the Father is through God the Son. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help…
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Year A – Easter 4 – He Lives – He Lives to be My Good Shepherd – 1 Peter 2

1 Peter 2:19-25 - St. Peter calls us to follow our Shepherd and Overseer, even if it means that we suffer for doing good. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were…
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Year A – Easter 3 – He Lives – He Lives to Restore My Hope – Luke 24

Luke 24:13-35 - For two disciples Jesus explained that all the Scriptures showed that the Christ had to die and rise. Jesus restored their hope. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The…
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Year A – Easter Day – He Lives – He Lives to Take Me From Death to Life – Matthew 28

Matthew 28:1-10 - The women go to Jesus’ tomb, hearts full of disappointment. A dead Jesus does no one any good. But they would learn from the angel that Jesus had crossed over from death to life. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is…
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Year A – Easter 2 – He Lives – He Lives to Give Me Proof and Peace – 1 Peter 1

1 Peter 1:3-9 - St. Peter points to the resurrection as proof of the hope we have regardless of the outward circumstances of our life. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year A – Lent 6 – Our Greatest Needs – A Greater Type of King – Matthew 21

Matthew 21:1-11 - Look at how King Jesus humbly enters the royal city of Jerusalem. He comes in the name of the Lord to save us. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year A – Lent 5 – Our Greatest Needs – Life for the Dead – Romans 8

Romans 8:11-19 - The Father promises to raise his children from the dead and make them heirs of everlasting glory. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year A – Lent 4 – Our Greatest Needs – Sight for the Blind – Ephesians 5

Ephesians 5:8-14 - Those who have seen the light of Christ strive to leave deeds of darkness behind. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year A – Lent 3 – Our Greatest Needs – Water for the Thirsty – John 4

John 4:5-26 - Jesus calls a Samaritan woman to faith, providing living water for her thirsty soul. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year A – Lent 2 – Our Greatest Needs – A Gift for the World – Romans 4

Romans 4:1-5,13-17 - Abraham provides an example of how salvation is not earned but received as a gift through faith. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were…
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Year A – Lent 1 – Our Greatest Needs – A Champion for the Defeated – Matthew 4

Matthew 4:1-11 - The champion of the demons and the champion of mankind do battle. Jesus Christ wins. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help…
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Year A – Transfiguration – The Glory of the Lord – Matthew 17

Matthew 17:1-9 - The transfiguration of our Lord. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message heard in worship,…
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Year A – Epiphany 6 – The Savior’s Sermon – Live a Holy Life – Matthew 5

Matthew 5:21-37 - What a high bar Jesus sets! He calls us to be holy in our relationships with our brothers, our adversaries, our bodies, our spouse, and our God. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year A – Epiphany 5 – The Savior’s Sermon – You Are… So Be – Matthew 5

Matthew 5:13-20 - Jesus declares that his disciples are blessings to this dark, decaying world. He calls us to be what he says we are. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year A – Epiphany 4 – The Savior’s Sermon – Trust in God’s Strength – Matthew 5

Matthew 5:1-12 - In the Beatitudes Jesus shows us the outcome of a life that is lived trusting in God’s strength. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year A – Epiphany 3 – Jesus Appears as the Light in the Darkness – Isaiah 8

Isaiah 8:19-9:4 - The prophet foretold that the people walking in darkness would see a great light. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year A – Epiphany 2 – Jesus Appears as the Lamb of God – John 1

John 1:29-41 - As the last and greatest of the prophets, John the Baptist succinctly summarizes God’s plan of salvation by pointing to Jesus and calling him the Lamb of God. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS…
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Year A – Epiphany 1 – Jesus Appears as the Anointed One – Acts 10

Acts 10:34-38 - As Peter told others how God had anointed Jesus, through that good news the Holy Spirit was poured out upon Peter’s listeners. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The…
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Year A – Christmas Eve and Christmas Day – A Savior is Born

Luke 2:1-20 - This child’s birth changed man’s relationship with God. Sinful man is hostile to God. Because of what this child would do, a holy God is now at peace with man. Hebrews 1:1-9 - In the past God sent angels and prophets as messengers…
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Year A – Advent 4 – Come, Lord Jesus! – As Immanuel – Matthew 1

Matthew 1:18-25 - In faith, Joseph accepted that within the womb of his bride-to-be was Immanuel—the very Son of God, the promised Savior from sin. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year A – Advent 3 – Come, Lord Jesus! – As Messiah – Matthew 11

Matthew 11:2-11 - Jesus deals gently with those whose present circumstances lead them to doubt that he is the Messiah. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were…
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Year A – Advent 2 – Come, Lord Jesus! – As Judge – Isaiah 11

Isaiah 11:1-10 - From the family tree of Jesse, father of King David, another King would come to judge the world with righteousness and establish an everlasting kingdom. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
The Foundation -

Year A – Advent 1 – Come, Lord Jesus! – As King – Isaiah 2

Isaiah 2:1-5 - In the future, when our King comes again, he will transform this world. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year C – Proper 25 – Faith Demonstrated Through Total Dependence – Luke 18

Luke 18:18-30 - What is impossible with man is possible with God. That is why we are totally dependent on him. Note: Although it is accidentally referred to as Proper 24 in the podcast, it is Proper 25. The Foundation Preacher Podcast…
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Year C – Proper 24 – Faith Demonstrated Through Persistent Prayer – 1 John 5

1 John 5:13-15 - When we ask God for something that is according to his will, we can be absolutely confident we will receive it. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year C – Proper 23 – Faith That Overflows With Gratitude – Genesis 8

Genesis 8:15-22 - In faith, Noah expressed his gratitude for God’s undeserved generosity in preserving the lives of him and his family. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year C – Proper 22 – Faith That Delights in Duty – 1 Chronicles 29

1 Chronicles 29:1-2,10-18 - In faith, King David knew everything we have is given to us from the LORD. Therefore, David found it a duty and delight to plan the construction of the LORD’s temple. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is…
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Year C – Proper 21 – What Seems to Help in Life Fails in Death; What Seems to Fail in Life Helps in Death – Luke 16

Luke 16:19-31 - Jesus tells us a parable about two men, one whose confidence was in his wealth, another whose confidence was in his God. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
The Foundation -

Year C – Proper 20 – Serve God With Money; You Can’t Serve God and Money – 1 Timothy 6

1 Timothy 6:6-10,17-19 - Saint Paul teaches in straightforward language that serving money will lead to spiritual destruction. But serving God with our money leads to a fulfilling life. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to…