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Year C – Proper 19 – The Found Are Left; The Lost Are Found – Luke 15

Luke 15:1-10 - Through two parables, Jesus rebukes those who consider themselves already found and not in need of repentance. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year C – Proper 18 – Put Down What You Love; Pick Up What You Loathe – Luke 14

Luke 14:25-35 - Jesus teaches us that truly following him will come at a cost: the need to carry a cross, the need to give up everything. Count the cost. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year C – Proper 17 – The Humble Will Be Exalted; The Exalted Will Be Humbled – Proverbs 25

Proverbs 25:6-7a - Solomon provides common sense about humility and pride. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message…
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Year C – Proper 16 – The First Will Be Last; The Last Will Be First – Luke 13

Luke 13:22-30 - Jesus teaches that the last will be first and the first will be last. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the…
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Year C – Proper 15 – We Want Peace, But God’s Word Divides – Hebrews 12

Hebrews 12:1-13 - The Hebrews who converted to Christianity faced great opposition. They were often divided from their friends, separated from their livelihood. How would they persevere? By fixing their eyes on Jesus. The Foundation…
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Year C – Proper 14 – Focused Living Properly Values Heavenly Treasure – Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11:1-3,8-16 - The gift of faith allows us to see that treasure that is found in the city whose architect and builder is God. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year C – Proper 13 – Focused Living Properly Values Earthly Wealth – Luke 12

Luke 12:13-21 - Greed’s folly is felt in life and will be exposed in death. Through a parable, Jesus gives us a strong warning against greed. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The…
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Year C – Proper 12 – Focused Prayer Claims What God Wants for Us, Not What We Want from Him – Genesis 18

Genesis 18:20-32 - Abraham prays on the basis of what he knows about the LORD: that the LORD is a just judge, that the LORD shows mercy, and that the LORD invites us to be bold in our prayers. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided…
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Year C – Proper 11 – Focused Worship Seeks Service from Jesus More than Service for Jesus – Luke 10

Luke 10:38-42 - One sister served Jesus, which was lovely. The other sister wanted to be served by Jesus, which is the one thing needed. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year C – Proper 10 – Focused Love Finds a Neighbor Rather Than Avoiding One – Luke 10

Luke 10:25-37 - In a well-known parable, Jesus teaches us how one loves their neighbor. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year C – Proper 9 – Christ Provides Ministers to Proclaim His Word – 1 Peter 5

1 Peter 5:1-4 - Ministers are to shepherd God’s flock exactly as Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, would himself. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to…
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Year C – Proper 8 – Through the Word, Christ Creates Committed Followers – Luke 9

Luke 9:51-62 - Jesus teaches that following him means leaving this world behind. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel…
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Year C – Proper 7 – Through the Word, the Lord Crushes Evil – Luke 8

Luke 8:26-39 - Using only his words, Jesus demonstrates his authority over the evil one. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year C – Holy Trinity – Through the Word, the Triune God Blesses Us – Numbers 6

Numbers 6:22-27 - The LORD charges his priests to speak a threefold blessing upon the people. We close our services confident that our Triune God will give us the very things these words pronounce. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is…
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Year C – Pentecost – The Spirit Marches Victorious Through the Word – John 14

John 14:23-27 - Though his Word Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit and gives us peace. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the…
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Year C – Easter 7 – Unity Marches Victorious in Diversity – John 17

John 17:20-26 - Jesus prays that all his followers might be one, just as he and the Father are one. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year C – Ascension – Power From Heaven Marches Victorious to the Ends of the Earth – Acts 1

Acts 1:1-11 - Jesus ascends to rule over all things as his Church serves as his witnesses. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year C – Easter 6 – Joy Marches Victorious Over Circumstance – Revelation 21

Revelation 21:21-27 - The great joy we have now will soon be made perfect and complete. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year C – Easter 5 – Selfless Love Marches Victorious Over Self-Gratification – 1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 - If anything is the defining mark of Christians, it is not the spiritiual gifts that they possess. It is the love at work as they put those gifts into practice. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you…
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Year C – Easter 4 – Fulfilled Works March Victorious Over Empty Words – John 10

John 10:22-30 - Both Jesus words and his works are identical to that of the Father, for he and the Father are one. Therefore, the protecting hand of the Good Shepherd is almighty. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by…
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Year C – Easter 3 – Sight Marches Victorious Over Blindness – Revelation 5

Revelation 5:11-14 - While in exile on the island of Patmos, St. John was given special sight, the ability to see the sacrifical Lamb who is worthy of our worship and praise. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS…
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Year C – Easter 2 – Witness Marches Victorious Over Restraint – John 20

John 20:19-31 - The Easter gospel is based on the written testimony of eyewitnesses of the risen Christ. As we read that testimony, the Spirit enables us who are not eyewitnesses to also believe. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided…
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Year C – Easter – Life Marches Victorious Over Death – 1 Corinthians 15

Corinthians 15:51-57 - Death has been swallowed up in victory. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message heard…
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Year C – Holy Week – Good Friday – His Punishment, Our Peace – Isaiah 52

Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - Christ took the punishment that our sins deserved. We are now at peace with God. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year C – Holy Week – Holy Thursday – His Food, Our Fill – Luke 22

Luke 22:7-20 - Jesus institutes the meal of the New Covenant. In this sacrament his body and blood are the food and drink that satisfy our every spiritual need. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year C – Holy Week – Palm Sunday – His Humility, Our Hope – Philippians 2

Philppians 2:5-11 - Paul describes the humility of Jesus and encourages us to emulate it. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year C – Lent 5 – Human Rejection Crushed – Philippians 3

Philippians 3:4b-14 - What the world considered valuable, Paul no longer valued. What Paul valued was Christ, whom God had exalted in the resurrection. Through Christ God exalts us as well, regardless of what the world thinks of us. The…
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Year C – Lent 4 – Condemnation Crushed – Luke 15

Luke 15:11-32 - How does God respond to those who object to or are angered by his grace? He responds with more grace. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year C – Lent 3 – False Security Crushed – 1 Corinthians 10

1 Corinthians 10:1-13 - God revealed his presence among the nation of Israel. Instead of his presence leading to repentant faith, the people of Israel, with a sense of false security, set their hearts on evil. The Foundation Preacher…
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Year C – Lent 2 – Shortcuts Crushed – Luke 13

Luke 13:31-35 - The Pharisees offer Jesus a shortcut to safety. But Jesus was determined to continue down the path he was on for us and our salvation. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year C – Lent 1 – Temptation Crushed – Hebrews 4

Hebrews 4:14-16 - Jesus understands how hard life is because he faced every temptation we have faced, and more. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year C – Ash Wednesday – Self Righteousness Crushed – Luke 1

Luke 18:9-14 - Jesus tells a parable about what makes us righteous in God's eyes, not trust in one's own goodness, but trust in God's great mercy. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The…
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Year C – Epiphany 8 – Transfiguration – Glory Uncovered – 2 Corinthians 3

2 Corinthians 3:7-18 - Paul declares that the glory of the New Covenant of grace far surpasses the glory of the Old Covenant of law. The glory of the New Covenant is hidden in the work of Christ and revealed through the work of the Holy Spirit. The…
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Year C – Epiphany 7 – Reactions Uncovered – Luke 6

Luke 6:27-38 - In our interactions with others Jesus calls us to disregard what people deserve. Instead we are to show the same grace that God has shown to us. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year C – Epiphany 6 – Definitions Uncovered – Jeremiah 17

Jeremiah 17:5-8 - A blessed life is not connected to outward circumstances like physical health or wealth. Rather, the one who is blessed is the one who has been given the gift of faith, whose trust is in the Lord. The Foundation Preacher…
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Year C – Epiphany 5 – Uncovered Messengers – Luke 5

Luke 5:1-11 - Jesus takes simple, self-admittedly sinful fishermen. He removes their fears, calls them to follow, and makes them fishers of men. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year C – Epiphany 4 – Agenda Uncovered – Luke 4

Luke 4:38-44 - After preaching and doing miracles in the area around Capernaum, the people wanted Jesus to stay there permanently. But he had a different agenda, to proclaim the gospel to many others. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is…
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Year C – Epiphany 3 – Rejection Uncovered – Luke 4

Luke 4:16-30 - In one of Jesus' first sermons, delivered in his hometown, people took offense at his words and ultimately rejected him. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year C – Epiphany 2 – Delight Uncovered – Ephesians 3

Ephesians 3:14-21 - St. Paul teaches us that God wants us to have a life that is fuller than we could possibly imagine. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year C – Epiphany 1 – Anointing Uncovered – 1 Samuel 16

1 Samuel 16:1-13 - To the eyes of the average Israelite, the young boy David was not the best choice to be king. Yet he was God's choice, a man after God's heart. The Lord made his choice known through an anointing.