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Year B – Season After Pentecost – I Am the Bread of Life – Proper 16 – The Only Food We Really Need – John 6

John 6:51-69 - When many left, the Twelve stayed with Jesus, who had the words of eternal life. The Holy One of God was all they needed or wanted. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – I Am the Bread of Life – Proper 15 – The Bread That Gives Wisdom and Life – John 6

John 6:35-51 - Jesus declares that anyone wise enough to eat the bread of life will live forever. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – I Am the Bread of Life – Proper 14 – Spiritual Food for Those Focused on the Earthly – John 6

John 6:24-35 - Jesus is the Bread of Life. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message heard in worship, to echo…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – Meaningful Ministry – Proper 13 – Fear Not, for the Lord Is With You – Mark 6

Mark 6:45-56 - Before engaging in ministry at Gennesaret, Jesus comes to the disciples, dispelling their fears with his comforting and powerful presence. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – Meaningful Ministry – Proper 12 – God Meets Our Need to Meet Others’ Needs – 2 Corinthians 9

2 Corinthians 9:8-11 - Paul teaches that God blesses us abundantly so that we have the resources to abound in every good work, generously helping others in all their needs. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – Meaningful Ministry – Proper 11 – Jesus Models a Compassionate Shepherd’s Heart – Mark 6

Mark 6:30-34 - Jesus is filled with compassion for those who go through life like sheep without a shepherd. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – Meaningful Ministry – Proper 10 – Sent With God’s Own Authority – Titus 1

Titus 1:5-9 - St. Paul establishes qualifications for those who serve in public ministry and stresses that their authority comes from holding firmly to God’s Word. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – Meaningful Ministry – Proper 9 – Not Glee and Gratitude, but Rejection and Resentment – Ezekiel 2

Ezekiel 2:1-7 - The LORD sends Ezekiel to prophesy to the Israelites, knowing that most will not be grateful for the prophet’s message but resentful. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – A Top-Down Faith – Proper 8 – The Living Lord Completely Changes our View of Death – Mark 5

Mark 5:21-24a,35-43 - Jesus raises the young daughter of a synagogue leader from the dead as easily as you would wake a sleeping twelve-year old from a nap. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – A Top-Down Faith – Proper 7 – Our Gracious God Is With Us Through all the Storms of Life – Mark 4

Mark 4:35-41 - Even the winds and the waves must obey Jesus Christ. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – A Top-Down Faith – Proper 6 – From the Tiniest Seed Grows the Largest Kingdom – Mark 4

Mark 4:26-34 - The kingdom grows when the seed is sown. The Word works. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – A Top-Down Faith – Proper 5 – The Devil Does his Worst, Yet Jesus Always Wins – Genesis 3

Genesis 3:8-15 - The devil did his worst, but a gracious God promised that from Eve’s descendants would come one who would defeat the serpent for us. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year B – Season After Pentecost – A Top-Down Faith – Proper 4 – Rest Is a Gift, Not Something To Be Earned – Mark 2

Mark 2:23–3:6 - The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message heard…
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Year B – Holy Trinity – A Top-Down Faith – Only a Triune God Can Deliver What Only a Triune God Can Offer – Romans 8

Romans 8:12-17 - The triune God gifts us the right to speak to our Father, the comfort of our Brother, and the indwelling of the Spirit. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year B – Pentecost Day – Resurrection Reality – Christ Has Not Left Us Alone – John 15

John 15:26-27,16:4b-11 - Jesus promised he would not leave us alone but would send us the Spirit of truth to give us the courage and power to testify to the world. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year B – Easter – Resurrection Reality – Ascension and Easter 7

Ascension - Christ's Ascension Means He is Closer Than Ever Ephesians 4:7-16 - St. Paul explains the power and purpose of Christ’s ascension. Jesus left this world for our good. He ascended so that he could give gifts to his people and build…
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Year B – Easter 6 – Resurrection Reality – Jesus’ Business is Love; Therefore, so is Ours – John 15

John 15:9-17 - The living Lord gives us this command. Remain in his love so that we might also love each other. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year B – Easter 5 – Resurrection Reality – The Risen Lord Produces Active Faith – John 15

John 15:1-8 - Jesus is the vine who gives us, his branches, the ability to produce fruits of faith. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year B – Easter 4 – Resurrection Reality – The Risen Savior Provides Good Shepherding – 1 John 4

1 John 4:1-6 - St. John encourages us to test all those who claim to have a spiritual message. Not all such individuals have been sent by God. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year B – Easter 3 – Resurrection Reality – We Have a Meaningful Message to Share – 1 John 1

1 John 1:5–2:2 - St. John summarizes the meaningful message we have heard and been called to declare: God is light. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were…
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Year B – Easter 2 – Resurrection Reality – The Living Lord Give Proof and Peace – John 20

John 20:19-31 - The risen Savior offers proof and peace to his disciples. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message…
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Year B – Easter – Resurrection Reality – Easter Dawn and Easter Day

Easter Dawn - Without the Resurrection, Faith is Futile John 20:1-18 - The women and the disciples were crushed, because a dead savior is no savior at all. Christ’s resurrection changed everything. Easter Day - All Will be Made Alive Job…
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Year B – Holy Thursday – Rethinking Religion – Rethinking Our Appetites – 1 Corinthians 10

1 Corinthians 10:16,17 - We thirst for loving fellowship with God one another. That thirst is quenched in the cup of thanksgiving. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year B – Palm Sunday – Rethinking Religion – Rethinking Real Strength – Hebrews 12

Hebrews 12:1-3 - Jesus demonstrated strength by enduring the cross. He did so for the joy set before him: redeeming us from our sin. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year B – Lent 5 – Rethinking Religion – Rethinking Devoted Commitment – John 12

John 12:20-33 - Though the thought of the cross troubled his soul, Jesus was committed to glorifying his Father’s name by winning eternal life for us. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year B – Lent 4 – Rethinking Religion – Rethinking the Solution to Sin – Numbers 21

Numbers 21:4-9 - The LORD promised a solution for the bite of venomous snakes. That solution perhaps seemed nonsensical. Yet, all those who trusted God’s promise lived. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year B – Lent 3 – Rethinking Religion – Rethinking the Worth of Worship – John 2

John 2:13-22 - Jesus restores his Father’s house to what it was supposed to be: a place of worship for all people. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year B – Lent 2 – Rethinking Religion – Rethinking Suffering Under the Cross – Mark 8

Mark 8:31-38 - Jesus teaches of the absolute necessity of the cross, both his and ours. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow…
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Year B – Lent 1 – Rethinking Religion – Rethinking Trials, Tests, and Temptations – Genesis 22

Genesis 22:1-18 - God gives Abraham a test which will demonstrate who Abraham loves and trusts most. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year B – Transfiguration – From the River to the Mountain – A Glimpse of His Glory – Mark 9

Mark 9:2-9 - Jesus gives Peter, James, and John a glimpse of his true glory. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel…
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Year B – Epiphany 5 – From the River to the Mountain – The Devil’s Work Undone – 1 Peter 5

1 Peter 5:6-11 - Our enemy the devil may stalk us like a hungry lion hunting prey, but the God of all grace cares for us and promises deliverance. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The…
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Year B – Epiphany 4 – From the River to the Mountain – Absolute Authority – Mark 1

Mark 1:21-28 - Jesus demonstrates absolute authority. Even his enemies, the demons, have to obey him. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help…
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Year B – Epiphany 3 – From the River to the Mountain – Committed to a Lofty Charge – 2 Corinthians 5

2 Corinthians 5:14-21 - Christ has committed to us, as his ambassadors, the message of reconciliation. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help…
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Year B – Epiphany 2 – From the River to the Mountain – The Kindness in His Calling – John 1

John 1:43-51 - Jesus proves to Nathanael that he knows absolutely everything about us. In kindness, Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael to follow him. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year B – Epiphany 1 – From the River to the Mountain – It Begins With Baptism – Romans 6

Romans 6:1-11 - St. Paul connects our baptism to Christ, and he discusses the results of that connection in our lives. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were…
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Year B – Epiphany of Our Lord – Good News of Great Joy – For All People – Matthew 2

Matthew 2:1-12 - Magi from the east are miraculously led to their Savior, and they worship him. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year B – Christmas 1 – Good News of Great Joy – Peace on Earth – Luke 2

Luke 2:22-40 - God allows elderly Simeon and Anna to see their Savior with their own eyes. This fills them with peace. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were…
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Year B – Christmas Eve and Christmas Day – Good News of Great Joy

Luke 2:1-20 - The account of our Savior’s birth. John 1:1-18 - The mystery of the incarnation—God became man; the Word became flesh. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year B – Advent 4 – The King Shall Come – Just as God Promised – Luke 1

Luke 1:26-38 - In the womb of the Virgin Mary, God kept his promise to send a Savior who would establish an everlasting kingdom. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year B – Advent 3 – The King Shall Come – He is Bringing Perfect Joy – Isaiah 61

Isaiah 61:1-3,10,11 - Through the prophet Isaiah, the Savior-King proclaims good news of great joy for all those who are brokenhearted. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year B – Advent 2 – The King Shall Come – Prepare to Meet Him – 2 Peter 3

2 Peter 3:8-14 - St. Peter reminds us that judgment day will come at an unexpected time. So prepare with daily repentance. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year B – Advent 1 – The King Shall Come – He is Coming to Save Us – Mark 11

Mark 11:1-10 - On Palm Sunday Jesus rides into Jerusalem as a king. The crowd shouts, “Hosanna!” which means, “Save us!” The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources…
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Year A – Proper 24 – Godly Government – Romans 13

Romans 13:1-7 - St. Paul leaves no loopholes. Everyone is to submit to the governing authorities precisely because they have been established by God. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services.…
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Year A – Last Sunday – The Time In Between – A Time to Yearn for the End – Matthew 25

Matthew 25:31-46 - Jesus describes the end of days, when he shall come in glory and separate sheep from goats. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created…
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Year A – Proper 28 – The Time In Between – A Time for Faithful Service – Matthew 25

Matthew 25:14-30 - Through a parable Jesus calls his followers to faithful service in grateful response to the gifts that the master has given and in joyful anticipation of the master’s impending return. The Foundation Preacher Podcast…
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Year A – Proper 27 – The Time In Between – A Time for Watchfulness – Matthew 25

Matthew 25:1-13 - The wise, those who are watching and ready for the Bridegroom, enter into the great wedding banquet. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were…
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Year A – All Saints’ Day – The Time In Between – A Time to Focus on Future Glory – Revelation 7

Revelation 7:9-17 - St. John’s vision lets us see all the saints in heaven so that we might remember the future glory that waits for us. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year A – Reformation – The Time In Between – A Time for Steadfast Faith – Daniel 6

Daniel 6:10-12,16-23 - Even though it potentially meant death by lion, Daniel got on his knees and prayed to the Lord as he always had, demonstrating steadfast faith. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year A – Proper 23 – Tell Us A Story – A Story of Insane Rejection – Matthew 22

Matthew 22:1-14 - Jesus tells a story of those who insanely rejected a king’s gracious invitation. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches…
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Year A – Proper 22 – Tell Us A Story – A Story of Reckless Patience – Matthew 21

Matthew 21:33-43 - Jesus tells us a story of God’s reckless patience. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation resources were created to help churches allow the gospel message…