
Youth ministry approaches for the upcoming school year

Planning out your youth ministry for the next year? Check out the resources available!

Fostering Faith in the Next Generation

Did you know The Foundation is also designed to assist your congregation in reaching out to unchurched souls in your community?
The Foundation -

Using The Foundation to Reach the Unchurched

Did you know The Foundation is also designed to assist your congregation in reaching out to unchurched souls in your community?

Who Am I? – A Youth Ministry Video Resource

What’s going on with teens today?...

Helping God’s People Become Christ’s Ambassadors

They are long-time friends of my parents and life-long members of WELS....

Baby steps

Our congregational evangelism chairman was following up by phone on a visitor to worship....

Wrong number evangelism

Our congregational evangelism chairman was following up by phone on a visitor to worship....

It’s not what you say . . .

You know what they say, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it, that counts.”...

More called workers for free!

Does it seem to you like the vacancy rates at our churches and schools has grown to a troubling level?