The Tapestry of Preaching: Textual Exposition

Textual exposition assumes that a sermon is based on a biblical text or texts. While that may seem obvious, it’s not something we can take for granted.

Gospel Acclamations in Christian Worship

The place was St John’s in Burlington, Wis. The event was a new hymnal introduction workshop.

Teaching Tips & Curriculum Connections

Last month, we gained insight into some of the practical aspects of teaching Bible information class in a cross-cultural setting. Here are two related classroom tips that the teacher of a cross-cultural class may find useful.
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Year C – Last Sunday After Epiphany – Epiphany Moments – Transfiguration – Glory Is Hidden in Order To Be Revealed – 2 Corinthians 3

2 Corinthians 3:7-18 - Paul declares that the glory of the New Covenant of grace far surpasses the glory of the Old Covenant of law. The glory of the New Covenant is hidden in the work of Christ and revealed through the work of the Holy Spirit. The…
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Year C – Epiphany 7 – Epiphany Moments – Love Your Enemies, Overcoming Evil With Good – Luke 6

Luke 6:27-38 - In our interactions with others, Jesus calls us to disregard what people deserve. Instead, we are to show the same grace that God has shown to us. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
The Foundation -

Year C – Epiphany 6 – Epiphany Moments – Blessings Are Cursed; Curses Are Blessed – 2 Corinthians 12

2 Corinthians 12:7b-10 - Paul had some infirmity he initially viewed as a weakness. He came to see it as a blessing as it forced him to rely on God’s strength. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational…
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Year C – Epiphany 5 – Epiphany Moments – The Least Qualified Are the First Sent – Luke 5

Luke 5:1-11 - Jesus takes simple, self-admittedly sinful fishermen, seemingly unqualified for gospel ministry. He removes their fears, calls them to follow, and makes them fishers of men. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided…
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Year C – Epiphany 4 – Epiphany Moments – Popularity Is Not Proof of Success – 2 Timothy 3

2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 - A temptation is for spiritual teachers to say only what people want to hear, equating personal popularity with success. St. Paul gives young Pastor Timothy a different agenda. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is…
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Year C – Epiphany 3 – Epiphany Moments – Rejection Is Not Proof of Failure – Luke 4

Luke 4:16-30 - In one of Jesus’ first sermons, delivered in his hometown, people took offense at his words and ultimately rejected him. The Foundation Preacher Podcast is provided to you by WELS Congregational Services. The Foundation…
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Year C – Epiphany 2 – Epiphany Moments – God Delivers More Than We Ask, Not Less – John 2

John 2:1-11 - To spare a newlywed couple embarrassment from having run out of wine, Mary asks Jesus to do something. Jesus delivers more than his mother asks, turning water into the choicest of wine. The Foundation Preacher Podcast…
The Foundation -

Year C – Epiphany 1 – Epiphany Moments – Baptism Is the Cure for an Identity Crisis – Titus 3

Titus 3:4-7 - In the eyes of the world, baptism appears to be just a religious ceremony. St. Paul explains baptism is so much more—a second birth that gives you the identity of God’s child and heir. The Foundation Preacher Podcast…